YamaDharmaRaja will be available in 100 signals to save the lives of the people who follows road safety rules! Join us in this wonderful nation building activity. LIFE IS PRECIOUS. We are losing life due to negligence. “Accidents are not fate, it is failure”
The Global status report on road safety 2013 estimates that more than 231000 people are killed in road traffic crashes in India every year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic injuries are the sixth leading cause of death in India. In 2014 Tamil Nadu recorded 15190 fatalities, again highest for any other state in India. So we are moving in danger. Need to change the environment a risk-free for transportation.
“ACCIDENT FREE NATION” is a grand social event that is responsible for 100 signals in Chennai on Aug 7th Sunday 4:00PM -7:00PM for a massive Road Safety Awareness program.
Event objective:
- Bring awareness to wear helmet and seat belt.
- Ensure Safe Road crossing by insisting pedestrians on following rules.
- Bring awareness on importance of abiding Traffic signal.
- Bring awareness on the risks of driving with distractions (Mobile phones, Music players,etc.)
- Campaign against drunken driving and bring awareness on risks associated with it.
Event activities:
- MIME- Short Street plays on Road safety.
- Campaign through speakers on safety rules and its necessities.
- One to one conversation with people in signal for seat belt and helmet insistence.
- Distribution of pamphlets, with details on road safety and its importance.
- Regulation of pedestrians on road crossing with insistence on following road rules.
- Affixation of anti-glare stickers onto the headlights.
- Guiding vehicles to stop before signal stop-line.
- Cleaning of signals.
- Discussion with officials to create safe traffic environment.
We need your contribution by volunteering for the above activities and bring about this social awareness!
Day: August 7th 2016
Time: 4:00pm – 7:00pm