Gramya Manthan, a nine day rural immersion journey with 30 passionate change agents to remote villages in Kanpur Dehat, Uttar Pradesh, India. This is the 5th annual Gramya Manthan program hosted by Youth Alliance.
The program aims at developing a deeper awareness of ourselves and the world around us by following our curiosity and discovering new understanding by creating a space to learn, to observe and engage with the diverse realities of our world.
The idea is also to bring ourselves into rhythm with the surprisingly complex realities and wisdom of rural life, allowing ourselves a platform to begin to think more holistically and to challenge our preconceived notions about Indian rural communities.
The program has been enriched by interactions with
- Mr. Anshu Gupta – Founder, Goonj.
- Mr. R. Elango – Kuthambakkam Village.
- Mr. Ravi Gulati – Founder of Manzil.
- Mr. Ram NK – Founder, Rang De.
Process of Gramya Manthan
Gramya Manthan is rooted in the timeless principles of the circle. The facilitators co-create a space for each participant to express her/his unique self as we learn together. Learning happens in three ways-
- We learn from each other
- We learn with each other
- We learn from our own self in the company of each other
The focus of our experience is curiosity and understanding and serving with kindness. Letting our “curiosity be greater than our criticality” creates a context for new ideas to emerge from within. As we step past our preconceived ideas we push our imagination to hold a larger vision of a more just, cooperative and sustainable human world. In the process, we enhance our leadership potential by being more aware of our own inner journey and develop a better understanding of the narratives that guide our thinking and our lives. Find more details about the process here.
To read more about the program, click here.
Apply to be part of 2016 cohort – http://