Roles of Campus Catalysts
- Represent Bhumi & Daan Utsav in your organisation
- Mobilise as many volunteers as possible in your organisation.
- Strategise & coordinate Festival of Volunteering (Feb 27-Mar 6,2016), Daan Utsav (Oct 02 – Oct 08, 2016), National Volunteering Week and future Bhumi events to be announced from time to time at your organisation
Responsibilities of Campus Catalysts
- Putting up posters of Bhumi events on the notice board of your organisation
- Publicising Bhumi events on your organisation’s social media and other communication channels
- Coordinating with Bhumi in organising workshops in their organisation.
- Give presentations/create awareness on Bhumi / Daan Utsav / volunteerism in your organisation
- Track, validate and update the volunteering activities to the Bhumi National Team
- Optional: Identify one Point of Contact in each Department /Class/ Project/Location and spread the word about Bhumi / Daan Utsav/ volunteerism and coordinate with them.
- Optional: Help identify volunteering activities/NGOs for which participants (your colleagues) can volunteer within your city
Incentives for Campus Catalysts
- All Campus Catalysts will receive a certificate
- Experience the Joy of Volunteering and helping spread the same in your organisation
- Privilege to attend exclusive networking events (if organised in your city)
- Exceptional Campus Catalysts will also receive awards
- Exceptional Campus Catalysts will also have the privilege to attend paid Volcon+ events at no charge (if organized in your city)
- For more info on Daan Utsav please visit