2018 will be the tenth year of Daan Utsav also known as Joy of Giving week, which is celebrated in India every year from October 2-8. A platform that brings together people from different walks of life and unites them in the act of giving. In 2017, over 60 lakh people across 200 cities participated in this event which included over 1000 companies, 1000 NGOS and the organisation of over 1100 events across the nation.
Who can take up this Internship
- Students studying in/ visiting their hometown for vacation/ internship
- Highly motivated and dedicated career-focused students
- Certificate of Internship from Bhumi
- Opportunity to participate in a National level campaign
- Awards for exceptional performance
Internship Responsibilities
- To network and develop a connect with faculty/ student coordinator of NSS/ NCC/ YRC/
- Entrepreneurship cell/ any other potential social causes club of Universities/ Colleges in your hometown
- To communicate and share resources of Bhumi’s Daan Utsav Campaign
- Motivate colleges to participate in the campaign
- To collect and compile details of interested professors/ student
Other Information
- Travel and communication expenses can be reimbursed on prior request
Apply for the internship now, if you are interested. For queries reach out to [email protected]